Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sitcoms are a type of comedy show on TV that contains an "episodic characteristic, mini resolutions, with cycles and repeated patterns character growth, intertextuality and polysemy". Intertextuality in a sitcom bring in other aspects from the world and uses it to make a point in the show. Also the sitcoms use Polysemy to make a point in that things have different meanings and things can mean different things or have different purposes at once. Even though there is a usually centralized setting to the story,  other aspects do come in from the real world and sometimes they are exaggerated.

For example in The Big Bang Theory, an American sitcom, we go through the life of these presumed "super nerds" in a college research center we learn about their lives as men and also as scientists. the purpose of he show is supposed to let us in to this world of the "nerd" and also to show us how normal they really are compared to us.

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