Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ad-ver-tise-ment..... four Sy-lah-Bul-z

This Conan OBrien Show Commercial, ( although tacky) is very powerful, it is so insane and so tacky and out of the ordinary that it catches the attention of the audience. This ad is about action, violence, good music, and all kinds of "extreme-o-sity". Conan is going to perform a crazy stunt,(explosives, a car doused in Gasoline, fireworks and....... popcorn?) which some how he manages to survive only to tell people to watch his show which will be as "exciting"( and probably as ridiculous as the ad) He even "beats" up his "stunt guy" to show how genuine and extreme he is. Not to mention after the car crash (dive off a cliff) and all the explosions and popcorn, the very "realistic" car burning and escape from the fireworks and popcorn, he tells us that "not promoting his show" was "expensive". The ridiculous-ness of the ad makes people wonder and think that maybe CONAN has something for us that could be worthwhile in his actual show.

 The appeal that Professor Straubhaar talked about that could potentially apply to this ad is the  Achievement, or to "satisfy curiosity".  The achievement appeal is that  Conan did something amazing and that by watching his show we will have witnessed something amazing that we "like' to see. Our achievement then is that we have achieved in a way through CONAN something amazing, or that by seeing his show (which promises to be great entertainment) we will have seen something Amazing there for a sense of Achievement. The ad also satisfies curiosity because everyone has been wondering what is going on, on his show.

The characteristics of the Achievement appeal, are a sense of achievement for the "audience" of they participate in what the ad "promises".  Conan's Attempt at "Not  promoting his show" in a very "extreme way" The characteristics of the Curiosity appeal are satisfied because you aren't left "wondering" about his new show and what it will be like to be a viewer seeing it.

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