Sunday, September 26, 2010

Radio Da(y)ze

Audience demand had power on influencing the radio industry and the formation of it; the people chose what they wanted to hear and wanted to form a relationship with "the box" and the people "inside". The radio when it first came out was a vital way society communicated, to the masses. One of the radio's first uses was in the military, to relay information to soldiers. The radio was a way of knowing what each soldier had to do. When it started to be used for mass communication, it told people how others lived their lives, and it told people about fantastical worlds that exsist in the imagination. People connected not only to the radio but also to other people that shared their passions for a particular show, it connected familes bringing them together at the home.
 As it progressed it became a way to not only know about the newest 'hip' things, but also a way to introduce music and popularize it by projecting it to the millions. Now we have, pandora which is an online radio, itunes an electronic music database that sells music by the son or album, and smart phones on which we can customize music that we know we enjoy. Less and less is the radio being used for 'modern day' purposes and becoming less of a social activity. More and more of the time we use other outlets to learn about new music such as the internet, that tells us things, if we want, on a global scale, as to radio is more local.

This video is a modern day  music video incorporating the idea of a music machine, Sara Bareilles is the person the "lives" in the 'magic box'.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

learning socially or social learning

Social is a concept that helps explain how people learn by observing and the change can or  can't be observed. In Killing Us Softly statistics and images that are commonly used in the media show how we've been neutralized in to making images of violence common and "attractive".  Killing us softly argues that because we Neutralize these images of violence by repeating it in the media not once, or twice, but many times; people become desensitized to it and believe that it is  even normal or an admirable trait. Also in the advertisement, the person committing the crime is not in the scene, and not being punished for having committed such a thing. The theory of social learning argues that  people learn by observing because we see things as common place through the media and other forms of mass communication a change in behavior could or could not happen in an individual. 
            In this ad for "Killer Heels" there is no Woman but the "Heel" shoe represents Femininity. Often violence is connected with power,  therefore because of this heel a woman has the power to Kill, and the power to assert her power over men, hence the "Dead Guy". I doubt that a woman with these heels would automatically go on a killing spree, but there are many times in Movies and other media where the woman who is often a villain in the story is wearing painfully high heels alluring a man and then killing him. Here the power of violence is connected to the "feminine power", and violence and a woman's power of a man is a "likable" attribute in a woman.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hegemony: gate keeping,agenda setting, framing and CAVEMEN

True hegemony is made up of three concepts: "gate keeping, agenda setting and framing" and can be defined as the ability of the controlling group to control and stay in control; enforcing its beliefs again and again like in this advertisement from GEICO.

The gate keeping aspect of this ad is Geico's decision of getting their insurance. The agenda that is set is how simple getting the Geico insurance is. In this advertisement the caveman is made to look "modern" and "ancient" all at once. The ad tells us that even though he is primitive, and not as intelligent as the modern man, the "cave person" of the ice age would still be able to get the Geico insurance. Because of the "Cave Man" not having a computer, cell phone, or any form of "modern technology"  (i.e. not a club) in the time he existed he is seen as a "lower being" in this ad. The computer in the ad is a depiction of what a caveman would do with a computer; he would get Geico insurance because it is easy.
         The modern "cave man" character with the facial features of the caveman in the ad and the modern dress of a "man"  is to emphasize humor and a small and subtle point: The cave people were actually intelligent. After all we did descend from them, and because they survived, we exist. Although this point is not emphasized humor is more set on the "modern man" that looks like the caveman. Hegemony helps me understand that modern media and history relate "Primitiveness" to intelligence being at a lower level.