Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog Dix.... getting to the end of RTF

glob·ali·za·tion (glō′bəl i zās̸hən, -ī-)
the process of globalizing something; specif., the expansion of many businesses into markets throughout the world, marked by an increase in international investment, the proliferation of large multinational corporations, worldwide economic integration, etc.
Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

HYBRIDITY-  with the advent of  major globalization cultures begin to mix and expand taking what is stronger in each and mixing them together to form something new.

this music video mixes what it believes to be tex-mex with its music that isn't "tex-mex" and the video mixes images from modern day with "old western" stuff why someone would think this is appropriate I dont know....
( i thought this was funny )

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ad-ver-tise-ment..... four Sy-lah-Bul-z

This Conan OBrien Show Commercial, ( although tacky) is very powerful, it is so insane and so tacky and out of the ordinary that it catches the attention of the audience. This ad is about action, violence, good music, and all kinds of "extreme-o-sity". Conan is going to perform a crazy stunt,(explosives, a car doused in Gasoline, fireworks and....... popcorn?) which some how he manages to survive only to tell people to watch his show which will be as "exciting"( and probably as ridiculous as the ad) He even "beats" up his "stunt guy" to show how genuine and extreme he is. Not to mention after the car crash (dive off a cliff) and all the explosions and popcorn, the very "realistic" car burning and escape from the fireworks and popcorn, he tells us that "not promoting his show" was "expensive". The ridiculous-ness of the ad makes people wonder and think that maybe CONAN has something for us that could be worthwhile in his actual show.

 The appeal that Professor Straubhaar talked about that could potentially apply to this ad is the  Achievement, or to "satisfy curiosity".  The achievement appeal is that  Conan did something amazing and that by watching his show we will have witnessed something amazing that we "like' to see. Our achievement then is that we have achieved in a way through CONAN something amazing, or that by seeing his show (which promises to be great entertainment) we will have seen something Amazing there for a sense of Achievement. The ad also satisfies curiosity because everyone has been wondering what is going on, on his show.

The characteristics of the Achievement appeal, are a sense of achievement for the "audience" of they participate in what the ad "promises".  Conan's Attempt at "Not  promoting his show" in a very "extreme way" The characteristics of the Curiosity appeal are satisfied because you aren't left "wondering" about his new show and what it will be like to be a viewer seeing it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

3 acts....1 movie: ZOMBIELAND (by Ruben Fleischer)

 The three act structure of a movie narrative require first three things: a "fablula which is the story; what happened, syuzhet which is plot; how the story is put together, Cinematic Style how the film message is  issued". The three act structure is usually used for "quest stories, triumphant stories, and a happy ending structure". The three act structure has two plot points and a final climax. At both the plot points there is a mini climax for the characters, and they also act as a transition into the next act. Also in the next act the question that arises from the plot point is answered in the next act of the film.

The film Zombie land is a Movie that fits the three act structure. A very popular film of comedy, action, mild horror and some romance. The three act structure here fits for a very happy ending, and also a quest. The first plot point is where Columbus, the main character, decides to or is accepted into Tallahassee's life and they team up because the have a goal to get somewhere.  this happens somewhere near the beginning after the introduction which is the first thirty minutes.  The second Plot point is when they meet Wichita and Little Rock, they were supposed to shoot her but didn't and they find out it is an ambush. This happens around the sixty minute mark. The third plot point does happen till the very end of the movie until after they have a bond that they end up developing over the time they  have to spend with each other. Wichita decides to leave with Little Rock out of fear and They get ambushed by the Zombies. The third and final plot point (climax) is when near the end Columbus decides to go after the two girls and gets Tallahassee to come along. Of course this being a "happy ending structure... there is a happy ending".

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sitcoms are a type of comedy show on TV that contains an "episodic characteristic, mini resolutions, with cycles and repeated patterns character growth, intertextuality and polysemy". Intertextuality in a sitcom bring in other aspects from the world and uses it to make a point in the show. Also the sitcoms use Polysemy to make a point in that things have different meanings and things can mean different things or have different purposes at once. Even though there is a usually centralized setting to the story,  other aspects do come in from the real world and sometimes they are exaggerated.

For example in The Big Bang Theory, an American sitcom, we go through the life of these presumed "super nerds" in a college research center we learn about their lives as men and also as scientists. the purpose of he show is supposed to let us in to this world of the "nerd" and also to show us how normal they really are compared to us.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little Princess.... meaningful shots

"All Girls are princesses" There are many shots used in this movie; The three most commonly used are Long shots, Close ups and High angle shots. All of these shots are used to tell the story of Sarah Crewe and her life. 
The long shots emphasize  Sarah's Amazement both as a child and also as a stranger in New York. The long shots help to show how different she is in the world that she has been moved to.
The long shots help us to understand where Sarah is and the setting and how it may affect her life in  "Miss Minchins Seminary for Girls" and also in the hustle and bustle of New York.
The close ups remind us that she is a child, very innocent and beautiful, she is a happy child full of wonder and curiosity. Also her eyes always "sparkle" when she smiles, laughs and tells her stories of India and all the things that come from her imagination. The close ups in the begining are also shared with her father to emphasize the affection between them and the closeness that cannot be broken. The close ups usually follow a long shot or a high angle shot to show that in some way we can connect with her and that she is strong in adversity. (This also is aided by her wardrobe and accesories or hair.)
The high angle shots are used to show us and really emphasize how out of place and different she is in the world she now lives in. Sarah is just a young girl in this new world, and the High angle shots show that she is in some way not as powerful because she is a child and also because she is new to this world. The High angle shots are used to show how small and powerless she seems compared to the elements around her.
The video posted above is part of the movie and has examples of all the shots mentioned above and the context in which they are used.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Signatures, Trademarks and Humphrey Bogart

a video made from pictures and clips of Humphrey Bogart

The studio system worked more with "owning" talent actors being seen over and over made them part of the company knowing that people wanted to see them gave them an advantage over the audience, also  using the stars talents in movies benefitted the studios. This way of owning actors was called the star system, this star system helped in controlling almost all of the aspects of production that defined a certain company.
No matter what kind of film the studios made there would be a time where the actor or actress would perform their talent. Also it gave "trademarks" to actors and the films they starred in. defining more which companies dominantly made which kinds of films. Films were also known because of the stars that played in the movies, this led to genres being defined in the movie industry.
Humphrey Bogart  in his films wears a specific outfit at the end of each of his movies no matter what. which is his trade mark the trench coat fedora with a hat. This can also this can be true for other movies in indutries that are foreign.

These last two film trailers star Aishwarya Rai, who is very popular in Indian Film culture. Aishwarya Rai Always plays a fiery character that seems to defy customs and authority.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

All in the Family vs. Two and a half Men

"All in the family was a family show in the 70's that dealt with issues of the 70's which are very different from the issues of today . A show that is from modern day TV that deals with a "family structure is "Two and a half Men".   Both of these shows are ways society sees issues that we feel need to be dealt with.
"All in the Family" deals with the family structure that was common also the beliefs and views of Gays and their lifestyle. People saw women differently and also  how they treated each other and their places in the family system are very different. The way that the actors portray their characters and the meaning behind each and what  they offer to make society think about was a big factor on what beliefs and people. The episode of "All in the Family"  that we watched  dealt with Gay's and how they live also it dealt with a Man's place and a woman's place and what each sex could or couldn't do.
"Two and a half men" is a show about a family structure after a divorce. It also deals with issues of a woman's place, femininity and also masculinity. "Two and a half Men" also "shows" how family "falls apart" and how it "falls together" after a divorce and how it affects a child. Jake portrays not only the child from a broken family but a child of modern day society. "Two and a half Men" depicts Men who are "mascukine as womanizers and men who can't stay in a relationship how their personalities can be feminine or the womanizer side of masculinity.
Both shows  have a family system, but whether is works or it doesn't matter because they portray a moment in time and all of society in a way that a lot of it is viewed.  Television shows are a way society tries to deal with and understand what has become norms and what isn't a norm in society.  The develop ment of ideas and how they are presented have changed, but they don't usually differ much in that the family and how it functions, that even if it doesn't work perfectly it is still a "family".

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Radio Da(y)ze

Audience demand had power on influencing the radio industry and the formation of it; the people chose what they wanted to hear and wanted to form a relationship with "the box" and the people "inside". The radio when it first came out was a vital way society communicated, to the masses. One of the radio's first uses was in the military, to relay information to soldiers. The radio was a way of knowing what each soldier had to do. When it started to be used for mass communication, it told people how others lived their lives, and it told people about fantastical worlds that exsist in the imagination. People connected not only to the radio but also to other people that shared their passions for a particular show, it connected familes bringing them together at the home.
 As it progressed it became a way to not only know about the newest 'hip' things, but also a way to introduce music and popularize it by projecting it to the millions. Now we have, pandora which is an online radio, itunes an electronic music database that sells music by the son or album, and smart phones on which we can customize music that we know we enjoy. Less and less is the radio being used for 'modern day' purposes and becoming less of a social activity. More and more of the time we use other outlets to learn about new music such as the internet, that tells us things, if we want, on a global scale, as to radio is more local.

This video is a modern day  music video incorporating the idea of a music machine, Sara Bareilles is the person the "lives" in the 'magic box'.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

learning socially or social learning

Social is a concept that helps explain how people learn by observing and the change can or  can't be observed. In Killing Us Softly statistics and images that are commonly used in the media show how we've been neutralized in to making images of violence common and "attractive".  Killing us softly argues that because we Neutralize these images of violence by repeating it in the media not once, or twice, but many times; people become desensitized to it and believe that it is  even normal or an admirable trait. Also in the advertisement, the person committing the crime is not in the scene, and not being punished for having committed such a thing. The theory of social learning argues that  people learn by observing because we see things as common place through the media and other forms of mass communication a change in behavior could or could not happen in an individual. 
            In this ad for "Killer Heels" there is no Woman but the "Heel" shoe represents Femininity. Often violence is connected with power,  therefore because of this heel a woman has the power to Kill, and the power to assert her power over men, hence the "Dead Guy". I doubt that a woman with these heels would automatically go on a killing spree, but there are many times in Movies and other media where the woman who is often a villain in the story is wearing painfully high heels alluring a man and then killing him. Here the power of violence is connected to the "feminine power", and violence and a woman's power of a man is a "likable" attribute in a woman.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hegemony: gate keeping,agenda setting, framing and CAVEMEN

True hegemony is made up of three concepts: "gate keeping, agenda setting and framing" and can be defined as the ability of the controlling group to control and stay in control; enforcing its beliefs again and again like in this advertisement from GEICO.

The gate keeping aspect of this ad is Geico's decision of getting their insurance. The agenda that is set is how simple getting the Geico insurance is. In this advertisement the caveman is made to look "modern" and "ancient" all at once. The ad tells us that even though he is primitive, and not as intelligent as the modern man, the "cave person" of the ice age would still be able to get the Geico insurance. Because of the "Cave Man" not having a computer, cell phone, or any form of "modern technology"  (i.e. not a club) in the time he existed he is seen as a "lower being" in this ad. The computer in the ad is a depiction of what a caveman would do with a computer; he would get Geico insurance because it is easy.
         The modern "cave man" character with the facial features of the caveman in the ad and the modern dress of a "man"  is to emphasize humor and a small and subtle point: The cave people were actually intelligent. After all we did descend from them, and because they survived, we exist. Although this point is not emphasized humor is more set on the "modern man" that looks like the caveman. Hegemony helps me understand that modern media and history relate "Primitiveness" to intelligence being at a lower level.